everything that lives moves . . .

everything that lives moves . . .

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Blinking the way satellites blink
The sun reflecting off their solar panels
As they twist through space
One from the east
One from the west
Then they descended
Drifting between the stars
A thousand feathers falling
Disappearing into the Tulsa night
I followed them
Walking for three hours
Through dimly lit back alleys
Along sycamore streets
Until I heard the call of a whippoorwill
Out of place in the concrete city
If not for an overgrown field
Next to the railroad tracks
That’s where I found a path of feathers
I followed them, picking up each one
Putting them in my pocket
Over a bridge
To the Brady Arts District
Vibrating, redemptive
I followed the path, collar up
Hands in pockets
Caressing the soft feathers
Then I saw them at a pub
Sitting in a corner
Trying to be inconspicuous
But illuminated, sparkly and bright
Their feathers touching
Wondering how could it be
That they were part of that cosmic miracle
For a brief moment in time

*similar version published in The Furious Gazelle

"I wonder what that meteor [the Ahnigito] has seen on its journey to earth, and it amazes me.  It fills me with a sense of wonder to know how little I am, how little time I exist, and somehow my heart and capacity to love and be loved matters.  It really matters."

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